CDA | Impressing Solutions


Blu-ray™ Manufacture / Blu-ray™ Duplication / Blu-ray-Disc Video™

Blu-ray-Disc Video

Blu-ray-Disc VideoTM

Blu-ray™, also known as Blu-ray Disc™, is an optical storage medium of the next generation.
Other than the red lasers used in DVD drives the Blu-ray™ technology uses a blue-violet laser light. Both single layer (25 GB) and dual layer (50 GB) discs can be made.
The higher storage capacity allows for a much higher image resolution and a broader spectrum of audio formats.

Blu-ray Disc™
Year of invention
Blu-ray Disc Association
120 mm × 1,2 mm
Storage capacity
25 - 50 GB

Manufacture of Blu-ray Discs™


As soon as we have received your master data and AACS licence number (see Prerequisites) we can start executing your order.

In the process of premastering your data are checked and the AACS copy guard implemented. These data are used for the production of the glass master from which the stampers are then made by electroplating.

To check the functionality of the Blu-ray Discs™, we recommend making the so-called Check Discs. As soon you have given your OK for the Check Discs the production process proper of your Blu-ray Discs™ is kicked off. By injection moulding the stamper structures are replicated in the plastic material (polycarbonate).

The single-layer Blu-ray Disc™ is then provided with a reflective coating, a transparent top coating and an anti-scratch coating on the read side of the disc. To produce a dual-layer Blu-ray Disc™ a more complex coating system is employed. For this, a second stamper is moulded in an UV-hardening coating layer and again provided with a reflective coating. Only then the top coating can be completed and the anti-scratch coating applied.

Now, the Blu-ray Discs™ can be printed with the required label, packed individually and picked and dispatched.

Blu-ray Disc™ production framework conditions:

AACS Licensee ID

To apply the mandatory AACS copy protection mechanism, it is necessary for the content owner to have itself registered with AACS LA and sign a licence contract.

A relevant contract form is available on the website at "AACS License". After contract conclusion AACS LA will issue a licence number which should be given upon order placement.


The ISAN code is a unique identification code for audio-visual works. It is not mandatory but depending on the authoring software used may become necessary during the authoring process.

If the ISAN code is used, every Blu-ray title will be stored with its ISAN code in a central database and can thus be identified worldwide. The content owner can apply for this code with the ISAN International Agency. For more information visit:

BDA Registrierung

If you use a Blu-ray Disc™ logo and/ or an RPC logo (Region Playback Control) and want to use the RPC functionality, a registration with the BDA (Blu-ray Disc Association) becomes necessary.

For a relevant licence agreement contact BDA directly. For more information visit

Intellectual property rights

When you place an order please let us have the undersigned customer declaration regarding the copyright and rights of use of production.

Specifications of input data

Please let us have your data as BDCMF image. You may make these data available on a hard disk, BD-R or via FTP.

Feel free to contact us.

We look forward to your specific inquiry.


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